Refer a business to ID-Pal

Know a business that needs ID&V?
Or maybe you know a business looking to switch ID&V providers?

Connect us with a contact in another business that could use ID-Pal for identity verification and AML Screening and you could each get one month of the new subscription value applied to your account* as a thank you for the referral.

Plus from Feb 29th – April 12th 2024, we have a small token of appreciation to send to you, the referrer – once we successfully schedule a demo with a qualified contact.

How to claim an ID-Pal Bonus Referrer Reward:

Once a qualified contact you refer to us via our Referral Page schedules a demo with us: 

**Terms and Conditions for ID-Pal Bonus Referrer Reward: 

  • -The Bonus Referrer reward will be shared via email to the original contact who is (A) an ID-Pal customer (B) referred a genuine contact email of a legitimate business to the ID-Pal team by sharing their name, email (C) ID-Pal connected with this customer and a demo was successfully scheduled.
  • -The business referred cannot already be a customer of ID-Pal or previously been a customer of ID-Pal.  
  • -The contact referred must be qualified i.e. they are employed in or own a legitimate verified business and have a genuine need for identity verification (i.e
  • they are obliged to comply with AML and KYC regulation and verify a client identity).
  • -The Bonus Referrer reward cannot be exchanged into a monetary or cash value equivalent  or credit on an ID-Pal business account. 
  • -The Bonus Referrer reward from Feb 29th– Mar 29th 2024 cannot be exchanged for another reward offered by the reward company Tillo. 
  • -There is no limit to the number of Bonus Referrer rewards to be earned – each reward will be shared via email to the original referrer who is an ID-Pal customer and referred a business to the ID-Pal team by sharing their name, email and company name and there was a demo successfully scheduled. The business referred cannot already a customer of ID-Pal now or in the past and is a legitimate verified business.  
  • -The Referrer Reward will be issued by email during business hours within 14 business days after the person you refer to us schedules a demo with us. 
  • -ID-Pal Bonus Referrer Reward campaign is from Feb 29th 2024 until Friday April 12 th 11:59 GMT 2024. 
  • -We reserve the right to vary the terms of the referral programme and bonus referral reward campaign without advance notification.  

How to get one month of the new subscription value applied to your account with the ID-Pal standard referral programme: 

You know the efficiencies that ID-Pal can bring to make AML and KYC compliance a simple, streamlined process.  

Many businesses are still manually verifying identities and addresses or are using a solution that doesn’t meet their needs.

Refer a business to ID-Pal by: 

Step 1. Complete the Referral Form or reply to a member of our Customer Experience team by email. 

Introduce us to anyone in your network that would benefit from our solution. 

Step 2: Our customer experience team will note the referral on your account. When any business you referred via the form, completes a demo and then signs up to a 12-month contract on any of our business plans, you each get one month of the new subscription value applied to your account.* 

A simple, easy way to earn a referral reward from your ID-Pal plan for both your business and the business you referred. 

*Terms and Conditions for ID-Pal Standard Referral Programme: 

  • -The existing customer of ID-Pal who successfully refers a business will have one month of the new subscription plan value applied to their account after the referred business has paid for the first three months of their subscription. 
  • -If a new business referred via an existing customer using our referral form subscribes to any ID-Pal business plan after receiving a demo, the offer of one month of their subscription plan free will apply for their fourth month. 
  • -Offer to qualify for a credit to the value of the new monthly subscription value of the referred business is limited to six per existing customer in a 12-month period. 
  • -The free month credit rewarded to the referrer can’t exceed the monthly value of the business plan that the referred business signs up to. 
  • -The referral value rewarded to the referrer can’t be converted to a cash or monetary value equivalent and will only be issued in the form of a credit on their existing plan. 
  • -The business referred cannot already be a customer of ID-Pal or previously been a customer of ID-Pal. 
  • -The business referred must be qualified i.e. they are employed in or own a legitimate verified business and have a genuine need for identity verification (i.e they are obliged to comply with AML and KYC regulation and verify a client identity) 
  • -We reserve the right to vary the terms of the standard referral programme without advance notification. 


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