
A Letter from our CEO | 2023 In Review

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Yes, the irony of that statement is not lost on me, having founded a company powered by AI, but I never underestimate the importance of people and this year only reinforced why.

2023 was complex – from turbulent geopolitical issues, rising costs to mitigating technological advances such as ChatGPT. So in contrast, I’m keeping my takeaway from the year simple.

I’ve run the gamut of obstacles since founding ID-Pal. Name it, I’ve probably faced it, as have many business owners who may be reading this right now. And this year was no different. But what didn’t change and what justified my obsession is that when the right people are in place, the right outcome will always be found. Personal and professional challenges will collide at some point in all our working lives but it’s the people you’ve put in place around you that will bring the business through it. The same people will know exactly the course of action to take when you can’t be there to make that call. The same people will be driving growth, innovating, and always putting the user first.

This is my message from 2023. My ‘silly’ obsession: Beyond anything else, people matter most, and putting that effort into getting the formula right, brings unexpected rewards and produces the right results at the most needed times.

It’s the one investment you can count on for having the best ROI, time and time again, and one I will never tire of trying to perfect that formula for the people in ID-Pal and for the benefit of all the businesses like yours, with us, on our journey.

Appreciate your people and to all those people in ID-Pal, thank you.

Simple.  ​

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