
Thomas Fogarty – Customer Experience Executive

ID-Pal > Thomas Fogarty – Customer Experience Executive

Thomas Fogarty is our latest new hire, we sat down with him to find out how and why he landed on ID-Pal as the best choice for his career development.

Previously you worked with us as an intern – why did you choose ID-Pal for your internship?

On 21st September 2017, going on three years and one pandemic ago, I sent our CEO Colum Lyons an email in response to an ad I had seen on LinkedIn.


Fast forward a month and I had my first day at ID-Pal. I learned a lot and I couldn’t have had better mentors and friends in the form of the ID-Pal team.

After your internship you spent some time in Sweden – what was your experience like there?

Indeed! I spent a year at Uppsala University on Erasmus. I spent some of my time studying Sustainable Development which was very eye-opening. Uppsala itself is about half an hour by train north of Stockholm and is absolutely beautiful.

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I won’t lie, the sun setting at 2pm in Winter was a bit of a shock, but that was more than made up for by the Swedish love for Fika – a cultural tradition where coffee and cake breaks are built into your day. I’ll be sure to bring that bit of Sweden to the office!

What made you apply for a full-time position with ID-Pal?

Firstly, the great impression of the company that interning gave me. Even after that internship and while I was away in Sweden, Colum and the team kept in touch, resulting in such collaborations as this important piece on how ID-Pal is very sustainable:

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Now that I’ve graduated from TCD with a degree in History and English, I knew that re-joining ID-Pal was absolutely the best option. I’m excited to get started!

It’s amazing to see how much ID-Pal has grown and developed since I last worked with the team. I was particularly impressed to see ID-Pal partner recently with KYC Global Technologies. Their upcoming RiskScreen Onboard solution that came about from that partnership is the perfect example of the type of seamless integration that is at the heart of ID-Pal.

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